Category Archives: August Holiday

National Bow Tie Day 2024

National Bow Tie Day Typically, National Bow Tie Day is celebrated on August 28th each [...]

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2024

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is a special holiday dedicated to remembering [...]

More Herbs-Less Salt Day 2024

More Herbs-Less Salt Day More Herbs, Less Salt Day is a food-related observance that encourages [...]

National Chop Suey Day 2024

National Chop Suey Day Chop suey is a dish commonly found in American Chinese cuisine. [...]

National Lemon Juice Day 2024

National Lemon Juice Day National Lemon Juice Day is a holiday dedicated to celebrating the [...]

Frankenstein Day 2024

Frankenstein Day Frankenstein Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on August 30th each year. It [...]

International Whale Shark Day 2024

International Whale Shark Day International Whale Shark Day is a special day dedicated to raising [...]

National Toasted Marshmallow Day 2024

National Toasted Marshmallow Day That sounds like a delicious holiday! While National Toasted Marshmallow Day [...]

International Day Against Nuclear Tests

The International Day Against Nuclear Tests is observed on August 29th each year. It is [...]

William Wilberforce Day

William Wilberforce Day is not a widely recognized holiday. However, William Wilberforce is an important [...]