Category Archives: July Holiday

Global Forgiveness Day

Global Forgiveness Day is a hypothetical holiday where people come together to promote forgiveness and [...]

National Hand Roll Day

National Hand Roll Day is a holiday that celebrates the hand roll, a popular sushi [...]

National Fried Chicken Day

National Fried Chicken Day is a food holiday celebrated in the United States on July [...]

National Apple Turnover Day

National Apple Turnover Day is a holiday dedicated to celebrating the delicious pastry known as [...]

National Caesar Salad Day

It seems you’re celebrating National Caesar Salad Day! That’s a delicious choice. Caesar salad is [...]

National Barbecued Spareribs Day

National Barbecued Spareribs Day is a delightful holiday dedicated to the enjoyment of barbecued spareribs. [...]

Independence From Meat Day

Independence From Meat Day sounds like an interesting concept for a holiday. While there isn’t [...]

Independence Day

Independence Day is a holiday celebrated in several countries around the world to commemorate their [...]

Plastic Bag Free Day

Plastic Bag Free Day is an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the environmental impact [...]

National Stay Out of the Sun Day

National Stay Out of the Sun Day is not a widely recognized or celebrated holiday [...]