As a dietitian, you can leverage your expertise and create digital products that cater to health, nutrition, and wellness. Here are ten best-selling digital products on Etsy that you can consider selling:

Worksheets and activities to promote mindful eating practices and improve the relationship with food.

Price Range: $12-$25

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: MindfulEating

Why People Buy This:

  • Encourages a healthier approach to eating by promoting mindful and intuitive food choices.
  • Assists individuals in breaking free from emotional eating and developing a balanced relationship with food.
  • Offers practical tools to develop self-awareness and conscious eating habits.

A collection of visually appealing and informative posters that educate people about the importance of various nutrients, food groups, and healthy eating habits.

Price Range: $10-$20

Format: PDF or JPEG

Etsy Tag: NutritionPosters

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides a visually engaging way to educate and remind individuals about essential nutrition concepts.
  • Serves as a valuable resource for schools, healthcare facilities, and wellness centers.
  • Makes learning about nutrition more enjoyable and accessible for all ages.

Pre-made meal plans designed by a dietitian to promote balanced nutrition and support specific health goals like weight management, diabetes management, or heart health.

Price Range: $15-$30

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: HealthyMealPlans

Why People Buy This:

  • Simplifies healthy eating by offering well-balanced and expert-curated meal plans.
  • Saves time and effort in meal preparation and grocery shopping.
  • Supports individuals in achieving their health objectives with personalized nutrition plans.

Printable planners that combine fitness and nutrition tracking to help individuals stay organized and focused on their health and wellness journey.

Price Range: $12-$25

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: FitnessNutritionPlanner

Why People Buy This:

  • Helps users set and track their fitness and nutrition goals in one convenient place.
  • Encourages accountability and consistency in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Provides a comprehensive tool for people who are dedicated to their overall well-being.

Offer personalized nutrition consultations via email or video chat, where you provide tailored dietary advice and recommendations.

Price Range: Varies based on service (e.g., one-time consultation, monthly subscription)

Format: Service Listing

Etsy Tag: NutritionConsultation

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a personalized approach to address individual health concerns and dietary needs.
  • Provides access to professional advice and expertise from a qualified dietitian.
  • Supports and empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their nutrition and health.

A collection of mouthwatering and nutrient-packed smoothie recipes to inspire people to enjoy healthy and delicious beverages.

Price Range: $10-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: SmoothieRecipes

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a convenient and tasty way to incorporate more fruits and veggies into their diet.
  • Saves time by providing a diverse range of smoothie recipes with clear instructions.
  • Encourages a healthier lifestyle by promoting the consumption of nutrient-rich beverages.

A collection of nutritious and delicious snack ideas suitable for various dietary preferences and lifestyles.

Price Range: $8-$15

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: HealthySnackIdeas

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides a quick reference guide for healthy snacking options, making it easier for individuals to make better food choices.
  • Ideal for people with busy schedules, students, and parents looking for convenient and wholesome snack ideas.
  • Supports weight management and overall health by promoting mindful snacking habits.

An informative guide on understanding and improving gut health through diet and lifestyle changes.

Price Range: $12-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: GutHealthGuide

Why People Buy This:

  • Addresses a growing interest in gut health and its impact on overall well-being.
  • Offers practical tips and dietary recommendations for promoting a healthy gut microbiome.
  • Appeals to individuals dealing with digestive issues or seeking to optimize their immune system.

A comprehensive resource pack for those interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet, including meal plans, grocery lists, and essential tips.

Price Range: $15-$25

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PlantBasedStarter

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides a well-structured and supportive guide for individuals exploring plant-based eating.
  • Helps alleviate concerns about getting adequate nutrients on a plant-based diet.
  • Encourages sustainable and compassionate food choices for personal and environmental health.

A step-by-step program that combines mindful eating practices with weight loss goals for a balanced and sustainable approach.

Price Range: $30-$50

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: MindfulWeightLoss

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a holistic and mindful approach to weight loss, focusing on developing a positive relationship with food.
  • Provides long-term solutions for weight management rather than quick-fix solutions.
  • Appeals to individuals who want to break free from dieting and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

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