As a gym coach, you can leverage your expertise and creativity to create and sell digital products on Etsy that cater to fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. Here are ten best-selling digital product ideas for you:

A collection of printable workout planners and trackers designed to help users plan their fitness routines, track progress, and set fitness goals.

Price Range: $10-$20 Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: WorkoutPlanner

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides a structured approach to fitness planning, which encourages consistency and better results.
  • Helps users stay accountable by tracking their workouts and progress.
  • Allows customization to fit individual fitness preferences and goals.

An e-book featuring a variety of delicious and nutritious recipes that support a healthy lifestyle, with options for different dietary preferences (e.g., vegan, gluten-free).

Price Range: $15-$30

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: HealthyRecipes

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a convenient solution for people seeking healthier meal options but lack recipe ideas.
  • Provides a wide range of recipes catering to various dietary needs and preferences.
  • Encourages healthier eating habits and promotes overall well-being.

A downloadable fitness challenge program with a set of daily exercises and activities, helping users kick-start their fitness journey and stay motivated.

Price Range: $20-$35

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: FitnessChallenge

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a structured and guided approach to fitness, which is ideal for beginners and those seeking a new challenge.
  • Provides a clear roadmap for progress, making it easier for users to achieve their fitness goals.
  • Fosters a sense of community and motivation as people can participate in the challenge together.

A printable journal tailored for yoga and meditation practitioners, offering space to record thoughts, progress, and reflections during their practice.

Price Range: $12-$25

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: YogaMeditationJournal

Why People Buy This:

  • Facilitates self-reflection and mindfulness during yoga and meditation sessions.
  • Helps users track their progress and personal growth in their spiritual and mental well-being journey.
  • Offers a unique and personalized journaling experience for yoga enthusiasts.

A series of downloadable home workout videos targeting different muscle groups, fitness levels, and exercise styles, enabling users to work out at their convenience.

Price Range: $25-$40

Format: MP4

Etsy Tag: HomeWorkoutVideos

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides a convenient and flexible workout solution for individuals who prefer exercising at home.
  • Offers a variety of workout routines, preventing boredom and promoting consistency.
  • Appeals to busy people who can’t commit to fixed workout schedules.

A comprehensive nutrition guide and meal plan that educates users on healthy eating habits and provides a week’s worth of balanced meal ideas.

Price Range: $15-$30

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: NutritionGuide

Why People Buy This:

  • Offers a structured and well-balanced meal plan, making it easier for users to adopt healthier eating habits.
  • Educates people about nutrition, helping them make informed choices about their diet.
  • Saves time and effort in meal planning and preparation.

A pack of printable fitness-themed wall art, motivational posters, and inspirational quotes to decorate home gyms and fitness spaces.

Price Range: $8-$15

Format: PDF or JPEG

Etsy Tag: FitnessPrintables

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides aesthetically pleasing decor that enhances the ambiance of home gyms and workout spaces.
  • Motivates and inspires individuals during their fitness journey.
  • Offers an affordable and customizable way to personalize fitness spaces.

A set of printable workout log sheets that allow users to track their gym sessions, including exercises, sets, and reps, for better progress monitoring.

Price Range: $10-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: GymLogSheets

Why People Buy This:

  • Helps users keep track of their gym performance and progress over time.
  • Facilitates better workout planning and optimization based on previous data.
  • Assists trainers and coaches in keeping their clients organized and motivated.

A comprehensive guide for runners and aspiring marathon participants, offering training plans, tips, and advice for achieving running goals.

Price Range: $20-$35

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: RunningTrainingGuide

Why People Buy This:

  • Provides expert guidance for runners of all levels, ensuring a safe and effective training experience.
  • Assists beginners in learning the fundamentals of running and marathon preparation.
  • Offers advanced tips and strategies for experienced runners looking to improve their performance.

A printable planner that combines fitness tracking, meal planning, and self-care routines, providing a holistic approach to overall wellness.

Price Range: $15-$25

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: FitnessWellnessPlanner

Why People Buy This:

  • Helps users stay organized and focused on their fitness and wellness goals.
  • Encourages the practice of self-care and mindfulness, promoting a balanced lifestyle.
  • Provides a versatile tool to address multiple aspects of health and well-being in one place.

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