As a cosmetologist or beautician, there are several online side hustles you can explore to supplement your income and expand your professional reach. Here are 10 ideas for online side hustles that might be suitable for cosmetologists and beauticians:

Offer virtual consultations to clients who are looking for personalized beauty advice and recommendations. This can be done through video calls or messaging platforms.

Start a beauty blog where you share tips, tutorials, product reviews, and advice on various beauty topics. You can monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.

Create and sell online courses that teach specific beauty techniques, such as makeup application, skincare routines, or hairstyling. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable can help you host and sell your courses.

Create video tutorials on YouTube showcasing different beauty techniques, product reviews, or step-by-step guides. Monetize your channel through ads, sponsorships, or by promoting your own beauty products.

Open an online store where you sell beauty products, such as makeup, skincare items, or hair accessories. You can source products from various brands or consider creating your own product line.

Build a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube by sharing beauty tips, tutorials, and showcasing your work. Collaborate with beauty brands as an influencer or promote your own services.

Offer virtual makeup services to clients for special occasions, events, or tutorials. You can provide personalized consultations, makeup application tips, and product recommendations through video calls.

Start a podcast where you discuss topics related to beauty, skincare, makeup trends, and interview industry experts. Monetize your podcast through sponsorships, advertisements, or by promoting your own products.

Create an online beauty magazine or blogazine where you publish articles, interviews, and features on beauty-related topics. Generate revenue through advertisements, sponsored content, or subscription-based access to exclusive content.

Host virtual beauty workshops or webinars where you teach specific beauty techniques, share industry insights, or conduct live makeup demonstrations. Participants can pay a fee to join these interactive sessions.


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