As an esthetician, you can explore various online side hustles to supplement your income and expand your professional reach. Here are 10 ideas for online side hustles that might be suitable for estheticians:

Offer personalized virtual consultations to clients seeking skincare advice. Use video calls or messaging platforms to assess their skin concerns and recommend suitable products or treatments.

Develop and sell online courses that educate people on skincare routines, DIY treatments, or specific skincare concerns like acne or anti-aging.

Start a blog where you share skincare tips, product reviews, and beauty trends. You can monetize your blog through advertisements, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.

Partner with skincare brands and promote their products through your blog, website, or social media platforms. Earn a commission for each sale made through your referral.

Create video content on YouTube focusing on skincare routines, product reviews, makeup tutorials, or skincare tips. Monetize your channel through ads, sponsorships, or by promoting your own line of skincare products.

Sell skincare products, beauty tools, or accessories through an online store. You can curate a selection of high-quality and niche products that align with your expertise.

Conduct virtual workshops or webinars where you teach skincare techniques, share DIY recipes, or provide in-depth knowledge about specific skincare concerns.

Start a podcast where you discuss topics related to skincare, beauty trends, ingredient analysis, or interviews with industry experts. Monetize your podcast through sponsorships, advertisements, or by promoting your own products.

Build a strong presence on platforms like Instagram or TikTok by sharing skincare tips, tutorials, before-and-after transformations, or product recommendations. Collaborate with beauty brands as an influencer or promote your own skincare line.

Offer specialized online consultations for specific skincare concerns such as acne, anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, or sensitive skin. Provide personalized advice, product recommendations, and treatment plans.


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