As a veterinarian, you can leverage your expertise and creativity to offer digital products on Etsy that cater to pet owners and animal lovers. Here are ten best-selling digital products that you can consider selling:

A comprehensive printable planner for pet owners to keep track of their pet’s health, vaccinations, grooming schedule, and other essential care routines.

Price Range: $10-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetCarePlanner

Why People Buy This:

  • Helps pet owners stay organized and on top of their pet’s care needs.
  • Offers a convenient way to monitor pet health and wellness.

An assortment of digital guides covering various pet training topics, such as obedience training, housebreaking, and behavior correction.

Price Range: $15-$30

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetTrainingGuides

Why People Buy This:

  • Pet owners always seek effective training resources to improve their pet’s behavior.
  • Digital format allows easy access and reference.

A collection of homemade pet treat recipes and nutritious meal ideas for dogs, cats, or other small animals.

Price Range: $12-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetRecipeEbook

Why People Buy This:

  • People want to provide their pets with healthy and tasty treats and meals.
  • Homemade recipes give pet owners control over ingredients.

A set of printable checklists for various pet care tasks, such as preparing for travel, pet-sitter instructions, and emergency preparedness.

Price Range: $8-$15

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetCareChecklists

Why People Buy This:

  • Checklists help pet owners ensure they don’t forget any essential pet care steps.
  • Convenient and reusable for future occasions.

A comprehensive digital guide that covers common pet emergencies and first aid procedures.

Price Range: $10-$18

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetFirstAidGuide

Why People Buy This:

  • Pet owners want to be prepared for emergencies and take immediate action.
  • Provides peace of mind and essential knowledge.

Digital templates that allow pet owners to create their custom pet portraits or pet-themed artwork.

Price Range: $12-$25

Format: PDF or Photoshop files

Etsy Tag: PetPortraitTemplates

Why People Buy This:

  • People love personalized pet decor and artwork.
  • Templates offer an affordable and creative solution.

A digital tracking tool for monitoring pet behavior patterns, health changes, and daily activities.

Price Range: $10-$18

Format: PDF or Excel

Etsy Tag: PetTracker

Why People Buy This:

  • Helps pet owners identify trends or issues in their pet’s behavior and health.
  • Assists in communication with veterinarians for more accurate diagnoses.

Step-by-step grooming tutorials and tips for various pet breeds and coat types.

Price Range: $15-$30

Format: PDF or video links

Etsy Tag: PetGroomingTutorials

Why People Buy This:

  • Pet owners want to maintain their pet’s appearance and hygiene at home.
  • Video tutorials offer a visual guide for better understanding.

A digital journal for tracking a pet’s overall wellness, including diet, exercise, and emotional well-being.

Price Range: $12-$20

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetWellnessJournal

Why People Buy This:

  • Supports a holistic approach to pet care and wellness.
  • Helps pet owners make informed decisions about their pet’s health.

An informative guide for individuals or families planning to adopt a pet, covering essential considerations and preparations.

Price Range: $10-$18

Format: PDF

Etsy Tag: PetAdoptionGuide

Why People Buy This:

  • First-time pet adopters seek guidance on the adoption process.
  • Helps ensure a successful transition for the pet and the new owner.

Canva Template for Veterinarian

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